Thursday 19 December 2013


I know this is a bit of a short post, but there's not much to say. I've promised updates so...

Last night, we were informed that because of the upcoming election in early January, and the security implications surrounding this election, our programme start date has been delayed until the end of February. Though I understand why this is happening, I am a bit disappointed and frustrated by the delay because I had planned everything around leaving in January. However, since we're now not leaving the UK until the end of February, we won't be back until the end of May, which complicates things a bit more. I guess, on the plus side, I now have more time to organise everything before going.

Thursday 12 December 2013

40 days and counting

I've got to admit. When I first applied to go overseas with VSO ICS, I never expected it to become a reality and certainly never expected it to be Bangladesh. However, with the fundraising target of £800 hit and only one more rabies vaccine to go, the reality that, in just over a month I will by flying to Bangladesh where I will be spending the next three months is starting to hit. Time is flying by and there is still so much that needs to get done before leaving the UK.

The training weekend in Birmingham was a couple of weeks ago and, though training was intense, I greatly enjoyed meeting the UK half of the team and I left feeling excited yet still a bit nervous about meeting our Bangladeshi counterparts when we arrive. I am certain that, though challenging, my time in Bangladesh will be incredibly rewarding.

Bangladesh Flag